Regardless of the occasion, and regardless of the size needed, a patch of grass is always a good idea for your next event.
Grass Patch

Is it called a Step and Repeat because we're never satisfied with the first picture? I've thought that before but never asked anybody...? Regardless, that second picture you take standing in front of our Step and Repeat is going to look FABulous!
Step & Repeat

Give your event a little more depth with Accent Lighting.
Accent Lighting

Need a little more privacy?! Or, just need to cover up something unsightly for several hours or days? Rent our Artificial Hedge and Ivy to disguise anything!
Artificial Hedge | Privacy
You probably have everything else covered for your event! It's gonna be AWESOME! One last thing though... Wouldn't it be even better if you were standing on Artificial Grass, in front of a "Whoa, that's cool" artificial ivy Step and Repeat, while Accent Lighting accentuates only your best features! You, my friend, are in luck! VERDE TURF saves the day on those must-haves and hard-to-finds for any size function.